As a Jacksonville web designer, you need to understand how to get your clients to the top of the Google listings. Jacksonville web design is about outranking the competition. The better your website ranks, the more visitors you will receive. The more visitors you have, the better your chances of selling products or services.
Outranking your competition requires a disciplined approach to your industry. You will need to do a little research as well. Take a moment and go to Google to search for the keywords you desire to rank for. Now, see what companies already dominate the results.
Be sure to evaluate each of your competition’s websites. See what features you like, and what features that seem unnecessary. Most importantly, gauge how much original content your competition provides. If your competition has 50 unique pages of content on your industry, you will need to produce 75 pages of equal or better content to outrank them.
While it is true that you can pay to get listed in the ads section of the rankings, this strategy is costly. In the end, it’s always best to build your website with organic ranking in mind. Basically, without original content, you will need to pay to get people to your website.
Plan – Jacksonville Web Design
Now that you have a full understanding of your competitors’ websites and their content, you are ready to consider your plan. Every eCommerce business needs a content marketing strategy. This strategy will act as your guide book. In this manner, you can keep track of your progress and options.
Write a List
Step one of your content marketing strategy is writing a list of what techniques you plan to use on your site. For example, you know you need informative blog posts and images. You could opt for videos or newsletters as well. Any strategy you have for reaching out to customers should be here.
Implementation Chart – Jacksonville Web Design
Once you have a list of your strategies, you need to organize them from the easiest to start off with, to the most difficult. For instance, you may list blog writing or social media as the first ways you intend to capture new visitors. These are a good start because in many cases, you can provide the content and save a little on startup costs.

Jacksonville Web Design Marketing
Now that you have a list from easiest to hardest, you can add some dates next to each item. Be sure to carefully consider these dates. These are the times that you seek to have each strategy in place.
Once you have your implementation schedule in place, you should check in every week to measure your progress. This evaluation is critical. It helps you to confirm that you are not falling grossly behind in your eCommerce attempts.
Automated Email Marketing
Creating an email list of potential clients is another excellent way to drive new traffic to your webpage. Email marketing campaigns can seem redundant but the reality is they serve a very particular purpose. Aside from keeping your customers up-to-date on all your latest sales and promotions, they also serve as a gentle reminder.
You should always start an automated email marketing campaign as one of the first steps in an effective eCommerce marketing strategy. Your best customers will open and read your emails. In this manner, email marketing is one of the best methods for influencing your customers into making repeat purchases.
Social Media – Jacksonville Web Design
Nowadays, your social media is your company’s credit check. To start out, you need to create a social media profile for each platform. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus pages are examples of great places to start. Social media marketing is time-consuming but critical. If you don’t have the time to work on these accounts, you need to hire someone to help.
Use social media analytics tools to understand which platforms work best. Spreading out your presence across multiple platforms is smart because it gives your customers a way to connect on a personal level. Remember, you never know who will be your next best client.
Automate Your Social Networks
Automating your social media posts is a great way to get ahead in the game. Planning your social strategy frees up time for other tasks. There are a plethora of different automation tools that allow you to schedule your posts throughout the week. Once automated, you just need to respond to comments and posts.
Personalization Strategy – Jacksonville Web Design
Personalization is one of the best ways to keep your clients happy. These strategies help you to brand your company along with a person. In many instances, a company will choose one or two people as the “face” of the business. This is smart when you consider that most people don’t like spending money on faceless companies.
CRMs – Customer Relations Management
Find a good CRM to help you automate the personalization process. Aside from giving your business a face, you can give your customers a better experience. For example, when you address people with their names in your emails it lets them know you value their business on a personal level.
Use videos and images of your employees and show how your products are made. This helps build value in the eyes of your client. It also makes your customers feel special because they gained access to the inner workings of your business.

Jacksonville Web Traffic
Original Content
Original content like videos, blog posts, audio segments, and eBooks help you build your eCommerce site as a knowledge base. Nothing beats original content. Original content drives traffic in many ways. For one, you receive unique key phrase searches. The largest search engines actively seek out new and original content. Interestingly, this is exactly what your visitors want. Make everyone happy and watch your profits explode.
Contextual Marketing – Jacksonville Web Design
When developing your content, you must consider contextual marketing techniques. Basically, market in formats that connect with your demographics. If you are geared towards a younger crowd, you may want to reference some new artists or events. The key here is to time your messages. Well-timed messages keep your marketing current and your customers engaged.
User-Generated Content
Allowing your users to contribute content is one of the best ways to get your website outranking the competition. This strategy literally changed the web. Platforms such as Facebook mastered this craft. Today, Facebook has millions of content creators ensuring that it ranks in almost every category.
Loyalty Program
Adding a loyalty program is another way to show your clients you care. When you retain clients you get the best of both worlds. You get someone who already likes your services and you get a strong promotional partner. These repeat customers drive new business to your site in ways you couldn’t imagine. Be sure that every customer feels appreciated for spending money on your company. In this manner, you encourage your visitors to spend a little extra cash.
Native Languages
Nowadays, you shouldn’t restrict your website to only English speakers. The eCommerce market is global and as such, you need to provide some sort of translation tool. Translation features are built into most of the most popular building platforms such as WordPress eCommerce themes, and WooCommerce templates.
Jacksonville Web Designer eCommerce Tips – Moving Forward
Use these tips to get the edge on your competition. These strategies will help you to drive endless new traffic to your site, without having to fork out tons of cash for your ranking. Once you have these strategies down, you are ready to move on to the next Jacksonville Web Designer eCommerce Tips pt2.